Brow Lift



Do you look exhausted even when you’re not?

Do you have droopy eyes or sad-looking eyebrows?

Do you think it’s a time to treat forehead fine-lines and wrinkles?

Aging is a natural and common process. However, for some people, aging happens a little too fast. The face gets populated by lines that the age brings along. The eyes start to droop and often even develop crow’s feet, which appear near the eyes when you smile.

Signs of aging make the eyes look tired and the face very old. We recommend you to get a forehead lift done in order to achieve desired results. Brow Lift corrects drooping brows and improves the horizontal lines which otherwise make a person look tired or unhappy. Although it is done for purely cosmetic reasons, many people have experienced better vision in cases of extreme drooping and saggy skin. A Brow Lift Surgery Can Restore A More Youthful Look To The Area Above And Around Your Eyes. The muscles and tissues that cause furrowing or dropping are removed or altered to raise the eyebrows, smoothen the forehead and reduce frown lines and crow’s feet.


Brow Lifts and Forehead lifts are performed under general anaesthesia. The incision is usually made well behind the hairline so that the scar will not be visible. A brow lift can restore a more youthful look to the area above and around your eyes. The muscles and tissues that cause furrowing or dropping are removed or altered to raise the eyebrows, smooth the forehead and reduce frown lines and crow’s feet.



Safe and effective

Feel at home atmosphere

Highly qualified surgeons and staff

Internationally recognized services

Can be combined with holiday/business trip

Pick up facility for out of town guests

Comprehensive, packaged deals


Once your eyebrow lift surgery is completed, the scalp incisions will be closed with stitches or clips and the area will be washed. Gauze and an elastic bandage may also be applied. The next step after eyebrow lift surgery is simply to leave the skin to heal. The healing process for eyebrow lift surgery is very rapid, with most of our patients able to recovery or return to work within a week to 10 days. You should be able to shower and shampoo your hair within five days after surgery, or soon as your bandage is removed.


Elevated eyebrows

Firmer facial skin

Youthful appearance

Happier expression

Safe and effective

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