Chin Augmentation Surgery



Is your chin too thin and weak?

Do your eyes always look sleepy?

Do you think a chin implant can enhance your face structure?

Well, all you need is a skilfully done chin implant. Chin Implants are becoming a popular solution for men and women who have a weak or receding chin. If you’re looking for improvement or enhancement of your facial features, then chin implants are a viable solution for you. Also known as Mentoplasty, the Chin Implants surgery is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone.


Your surgeon may recommend Chin Augmentation Surgery if you are having nose surgery in order to achieve facial proportion, as the size of the chin may magnify or minimize the perceived size of the nose. In some cases, chin implant surgery may require only a local anaesthetic combined with a sedative. However, more frequently, a general anaesthetic is recommended. Your surgeon may require that you stay overnight. Insertion of a chin implant may take anywhere from 45 Minutes to one hour. Your surgeon will select the proper size and shape chin implant to Enhance Your Appearance and insert it into a pocket over the front of the jawbone. The small incision to create the pocket and insert the Chin augmentation is placed inside the mouth (along the lower lip) or in the skin just under the chin area.



Safe and effective

Feel at home atmosphere

Highly qualified surgeons and staff

Internationally recognized services

Can be combined with holiday/business trip

Pick up facility for out of town guests

Comprehensive, packaged deals


You should follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to complete a healthy recovery. You need to rest and avoid stressful activities for the first two weeks. You need to consume healthy diet in order to regain strength. Medicines will be prescribed to you in case you experience post treatment pain or discomfort.


Sculpted chin

Better facial profile

Safe and effective

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