Ear Correction Surgery



Do you have protruding ears?

Are your missing symmetry?

Have you heard of otoplasty?

Protruding ears can be a major source of embarrassment. But opting to undergo ear correction surgery can make you less self-conscious and more comfortable, thereby improving your quality of your life. Also known as Otoplasty, ear correction surgery is a reconstructive surgery of the auricle of the external ear. Before you decide to go ahead with ear correction surgery, you should go for a thorough one-to-one medical consultation with a surgeon who specialises in Ear Correction Surgery/ Otoplasty. The surgery assures to create a more natural look and restore your facial balance and symmetry.


Ear Correction surgery (also known as Otoplasty) is generally a very quick procedure. After evaluating your suitability for Otoplasty, your surgeon will assess the degree of prominence of your ears in relation to your other facial features. Other ear defects may be considered. The specific technique used in your case will depend on individual factors your surgeon will explain during your consultation. In typical cases, a small incision is made behind the ear to access the cartilage. Permanent sutures may be used to manipulate the cartilage into the desired shape. In some instances sections of cartilage may be removed. The incision is hidden in the natural crease where the ear joins the head.



Safe and effective

Feel at home atmosphere

Highly qualified surgeons and staff

Internationally recognized services

Can be combined with holiday/business trip

Pick up facility for out of town guests

Comprehensive, packaged deals


During the week following your ear correction surgery, it’s perfectly normal to experience varying degrees of bruising and swelling. Bruising typically disappears within seven to ten days. Minor residual swelling may continue for several days, but this should not be noticeable to others. You’ll need to wear a turban-like dressing between seven to ten days following surgery. A headband might be needed at night for a further four to six weeks.You should be able to return to work and resume most of your normal activities within a week recovery. However, it is advisable to refrain from strenuous exercise and sports for six to eight weeks.


Symmetrical ears

Balanced facial profile

Enhanced personality

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