
Lip Reduction



Large, pouty lips don’t suit your image?

If you are not really comfortable with over-sized or protruding lips, then we suggest you to go for Lip Reduction Surgery. Large lips can look ugly or simply make you self-conscious unnecessarily. Many people have some natural conditions which account for the fat lips. While common preference is towards large, luscious lips, many can find it displeasing and out of proportion with the rest of the face. Now change your lip-size to your preferred comfort level and balance your appearance.


Performed under local and/or general anesthetic this procedure takes about an hour for completion and about two weeks for full recovery. An incision in the length of your lip inside your mouth is made for removing a strip of skin or tissue from one or both lips. Your Cosmetic surgeon will aim to enhance the mouth and lips area to complement your facial features while maintaining a natural look by lip reduction surgery. Dissolvable sutures may be used. Simultaneously, the curves around the lips can be slightly modified or absolutely preserved affecting only the volume of your lips, depending upon what you’d prefer.



Safe and effective

Feel at home atmosphere

Highly qualified surgeons and staff

Internationally recognized services

Can be combined with holiday/business trip

Pick up facility for out of town guests

Comprehensive, packaged deals


Your recovery will depend on your bodily ability to heal and on how well are you following your doctor’s advice. Final results from the lip reduction surgery are visible in about three months though normal routine can be resumed after a few days.


Proportionate lips

Attractive smile

Enhanced personality

Minimal downtime

Safe and effective

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