Liposuction Treatment


Are you tired of dieting and exercise?

Is your weight destroying your personal and social life?

Do you want to get a fit and completely sculpted body at the same time?


You are excited to join a weight loss program because now you have understood how important it is to have a healthy weight in order to stay forever fit and young. But once you start losing weight, you realise that some parts of your body are acting stubborn, making it difficult for you to achieve your weight loss goal. Plus, you also notice that your skin is sagging and you are, probably, getting stretch marks. But as we always promised every time, this time also we have a solution for you, which can not only help you achieve healthy weight but also gives you a carved body.

Both Laser Liposuction and ultrasound liposuction are advanced and parallel technologies with different benefits. We prefer doing ultrasound liposuction first for faster and smoother recovery and later, we do laser liposuction so that you get tighter and smoother skin.


Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane). The cannula is connected to a powerful suction pump and inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin. Fat removal is accomplished as the suction cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers. After surgery, these tiny tunnels collapse and thus result in an improved body contour.



Safe and effective

Feel at home atmosphere

Highly qualified surgeons and staff

Internationally recognized services

Can be combined with holiday/business trip

Pick up facility for out of town guests

Comprehensive, packaged deals


Once the liposuction procedure is completed, it is crucial for you to follow the surgeon’s advice to ensure healthier and faster recovery. You may have to deal with numbness, swelling and soreness after the surgery and hence, it is important to give your body sufficient time to rest while avoiding any strenuous activity. Also, you will need to wear a garment in order to reduce the swelling that happens post surgery. You would also need to visit the surgeon to get the stitched removed if incisions are closed with them. The surgeon may call you for a follow-up visit to check how well are you coping up and if there are any complications. Medications, oral sedation will be prescribed to you get relieved from pain or swelling. The recovery period, however, may vary from how intensive the surgery is and how well you look after yourself. It may take 5-10 days to recover in a normal case. Psychological recovery is another aspect of it. Although the aim of the surgery is to make you look slimmer and happier, you may be alarmed to see the swelling or bruising.


Sculpted body

Attractive figure

Enhanced personality

Minimal downtime

Safe and effective

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