PCOD/PCOS Treatment


What is PCOD/PCOS?

In PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) or PCOS, a woman's ovaries produce a lot of immature or partially formed eggs, which over time turn into cysts in the ovaries. Because of this, the ovaries enlarge and release more androgens, which leads to infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, hair loss, and unusual weight gain. A change in food and lifestyle can help with PCOD.

What are the symptoms?

Following are a few of the typical PCOD symptoms:

An increase in testosterone levels: This results in excessive hair growth on the chest, abdomen, and face.

Menstrual irregularity or absence: Due to an abnormality in egg maturation, you may suffer irregular periods or a delayed menstrual cycle.

Infertility brought on by erratic, delayed, or unsuccessful ovulation

Hair loss or thinning: The body's increased production of male hormones is another factor in this symptom.

Skin rashes


Abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding

What are the causes?

Some of the leading causes and contributing variables of PCOD are:

Over production of insulin: The body can produce more androgen, a male hormone that females have very little of, which can make ovulation challenging and result in PCOD.

Androgen overproduction: Excessively high levels of androgen hormones generated by the ovaries are the root cause of hirsutism and acne.

Low-grade inflammation: Women with PCOS experience low-grade inflammation, which increases androgen production and may result in cardiac or blood vessel issues.

Family history: Female relatives who have PCOD share a genetic link with women with PCOS.

What are the treatment options?

Birth control pill: These pills include progestin and estrogen, which prevent the production of male sex hormones and regulate hormones that cause acne, excessive hair growth, and the release of eggs from follicles.

Treatment with progestin: is a form of hormone replacement therapy. To help you manage and regulate your menstrual cycle, your doctor might advise that you take progestin for ten to fourteen days, once every two months or so.

Therapy for developing follicles: Your doctor can also advise Immature Follicle Aspiration PCOS Therapy to enhance your endocrinology and decrease the amount of follicles in your ovary to facilitate conception.

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