Piles Treatment


What are Piles?

What are Piles?

Pile is a medical term for swollen veins in the rectum and lower anus. They can result in tissue growths surrounding the anus and anus, which can be uncomfortable. The size and placement of these growths might vary. Piles are also known as hemorrhoids

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of mild piles are unnoticeable and resolved on their own. Individuals with piles show signs like:

  • Squeezing and straining during bowel movements.
  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time.
  • Experiencing persistent diarrhea or constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Pregnancy
  • Anal intercourse
  • Eating a diet low in fiber.
  • Regular heavy lifting

How can it be prevented?

Piles can be prevented to an extent if you follow these steps :

  • To keep your poop soft, consume plenty of liquids and fiber.
  • Use some wet toilet paper to clean your bottom.
  • If your piles ache, try paracetamol
  • To relieve discomfort and itching, take a warm bath.
  • To relieve pain, apply an ice pack covered with a towel.
  • Keep your bottom dry and spotless
  • Regular exercise
  • To prevent constipation, limit your intake of alcohol and caffeinated beverages, including tea, coffee, and cola.

What are the non-surgical treatment options?

Some of the non-surgical treatments advised for piles are:

Rubber band ligation: To get your piles to fall, you wrap a band around them.

Sclerotherapy is a technique in which a liquid is injected into your piles to cause them to shrink.

With electrotherapy, your piles will get a little electric current to help them get smaller.

Using infrared light, your piles' blood supply is cut off to cause infrared coagulation, which causes your piles to contract.

What are the surgical treatment options?

Surgical treatments for piles include:

Haemorrhoidectomy: During this surgery, the piles are cut out.

Haemorrhoid stapling: Your piles are stapled back within your anus.

Haemorrhoidal artery ligation: With sutures, your piles' blood supply is cut off, causing them to diminish. After these surgeries, you might need to spend more than one day in the hospital.

Piles Laser Treatment

Piles laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat hemorrhoids (also known as piles). In this procedure, a laser is used to remove the affected tissue, leading to shrinkage of the hemorrhoids.

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